
岸上观光中心是一个直接的旅游活动的供应商,并不是一个第三方经销商如卫道的,GetYourGuide,ShoreTrips或海岸旅游组。 我们实际上供给我们所有波罗的海旅游Ota谁然后再转售他们在高得多的标记。 我们有我们自己的顶尖的有经验的指南,我们自己的运输将充分的保险复盖面,和我们自己的直接博物馆的合同提供的快速跟踪入学,同时尽量减少等待时间。 我们的主要优先事项是提供相同的高质量经验,但在较低的价格通过切断出来的中介。

我们的价格低于巡航线超过40%,并低于第三方分销商,也! 当你的书我们,你得到最好的价格,直接从该供应商,没有一个第三方经销商人已经加入60%的保证金的实际旅行费用,以补偿他们的广告费用和利润。 此外,与不同的代理商,我们的旅游经销商的价格包括税收和旅游运营商的税收。 岸上观光中心,具有优点,仅支付税款一次,因为我们是一个旅游经营者的平台。 因此,我们在法律上能够使我们的价格较低。

没有。 这是一个神话。 巡航线希望你相信这所以你会买他们的价格较高的旅游服务。 我们的专家在这个和经营海岸旅游超过15年。 我们从来没有过这种事情发生。 我们总是得到我们的客户回到船上的时间。 100%的保证。 在不太可能发生这种情况发生,我们会送我们的客户的下一个港口在我们自己的费用。

First of all, try resetting your password. It is easy to do it by clicking the reset password link in the login section.

If that does not help, please verify that you are entering the correct email address. In many cases this is the most common reason for login issues.

If nothing works, please send us an email to support@shoreexcursionscenter.com and let us know about the issue. We will certainly help!

In the extremely unlikely case of anyone booked on our tours missing the ship, through no fault or action of their own, we will get those clients back to their ship in the next port of call at our own expense. No tricks. 

If the ship misses the port, or is delayed so that you are no longer able to take your tour, you will receive a full refund. Subject to ship itinerary verification. For instant refunds clients nmust provide an official letter from cruise line confirming the ship had missed a specific port of call or way delayed by a certain time (both, the  scheduled arrival time and the actual time, must be present in the document).

Yes, we can provide itinerary customizations upon request.

这就是容易的! 选择目的地,选择旅游你想要的,输入的数目组的参加者,并寻找出价格。 命中的"添加到车"按钮然后继续进行到安全的结算。 我们强烈建议创建一个帐户与岸上观光中心,以便可以容易地访问所有的旅行文件,如旅游确认,凭单和付款收据。 它也很容易做出任何改变从您的帐户。
为了保证座位,我们建议,你的书我们至少2周之前开始你的游船。 加入-在旅游服务都非常受欢迎的,并往往出售,所以它是真的最好的书,他们尽快你已获得你的小屋,以避免的失望,自从失去你的所需旅游服务。

根据旅游选择,我们建议,以确保您的安排旅行,尽快为您准备好做出承诺。 当你预订徒步旅行只,没有任何招生,需要确保在提前了,这是好书你的旅行7天。 然而,当您的旅游涉及来访的高度流行的博物馆,往往会出卖我们建议预订的至少45天。

就像我们想要有你在我们的旅游服务,我们必须设置某些保留的最后期限。 例如,截止时间预订的海岸旅游,在城市圣彼得堡,俄罗斯96小时(4日)由于移民规定免签证文件的提交。 所有其他欧洲目的地有48小时截止时间为所有订单。 在非常罕见的情况下最后一分钟的客户取消我们也许能够在最后一分钟的游览的要求,但是这不能保证。 请与我们的海岸旅游的专家。

To request changes or cancellation, please submit a request by clicking the approprivate button in the Bookings tab by the tour you wish to change/cancel.

We highly recommend to pay attention to cancellation and changes policy


岸上观光中心将提供详细的会议指示每个目的地后你有预订的旅游。 请仔细阅读说明书。 你的指导总是带有一种"签名的"用于所有私人旅游的保留或一个海岸旅游中心的标志与我们的标志,它对于所有加入-在旅游服务。

我们强烈推荐你荣誉的义务和按时到达。 时间是宝贵的,而巡航和至关重要的是,你出现了前15分钟您预定的旅行开始的时间。 等待时间对于所有加入-在岸上观光只有15分钟。 如果你迟到了一个私人旅行,极有可能的是你的指南将仍然在等待给你1小时后,但是你会完成你的旅游作为最初计划。 可免费旅行的扩展,将不提供。 你可以选择延长旅行的额外费用,如果你的引导和/或司机提供后你原定旅游。


提示是任选的,并不包括在旅游的价格。 然而,可以预期你会尖你的指导和/或驾驶员在参观结束时如果你有喜欢你的游览经验。 建议尖端量是15%的旅行费用,分10%的指南和5%到的驱动程序。 然而,最终金额被完全取决于你。


There are two main reasons why the payment might not be going through.

1) The cardholder's bank is seeing the transaction and declining it.

What to do: Plese call the cardholder's bank and inform them about the transaction originating from Russia (as we are registered in and banking with a Russian Standard Bank JSC). Once the cardholder's bank approves the transaction, most likely it will go through.

2) The cardholder's bank is not seeing the transaction. Yet is it declined (by our bank)

What to do: This happens when a 3DSecure verification is not passed. We take Credit Card security very seriously and to protect our clients from fraud our bank is participating in the international 3DSecure verification.

What is 3Dsecure? - It is a text message sent to the cardholder's mobile which must be entered into the corresponding field when prompted during the payment process. This allows the bank to confirm that is it indeed the cardholder that is trying to make the purchase. Most banks in the US participate in 3DSecure now. If the transaction is being declined and your bank is not seeing it, please contact youк bank to find out if your card is protected by 3DSecure and find out to which number the text messages are going to. In majority of cases this helps.

While we strive to make sure every trip is perfect, sometimes things may not go as planned. Please email support@shoreexcursionscenter.com with the refund details including the reservation #, customer name and the reason for the request. Note: Please allow 5-7 business days for a response regarding your refund request.

Travel Advisor Questions

Yes, you can do so at any time.

Please let us know if that happens. We will get in touch with your host agency and will take care of all the details. It's easy!

No! You can live anywhere in the world and sell our tours to your clients. 

No. Our reservation system is free to use both for travelers and for travel advisors/travel agents.

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